The Unfiltered Health Podcast
The Unfiltered Health Podcast delivers real, authentic conversations about health, wellness, and longevity. We break down complex health topics, sharing evidence-based insights, practical advice, and personal experiences. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and build a supportive community committed to living well and thriving together—no filters, just the truth about what it takes to achieve lasting health.
The Unfiltered Health Podcast
83 - Our Word of the Year and For 2025!
Could a single word shape your entire year? Discover how selecting a guiding word can transform your goals and intentions as we share personal stories of navigating challenges with words like "fortitude" and embracing growth with "yes." Reflecting on past experiences has led us to consider new priorities, like achieving a healthier work-life balance and stepping out of comfort zones. We'll also explore the delicate act of balancing spontaneous adventures with professional commitments, and the potential rewards of taking extended breaks without losing track of responsibilities.
Press play to uncover the power of music in setting the tone for our goals, and how a determined mindset can shift the mundane into meaningful growth. As business owners, we share candid insights into managing team dynamics, fostering open communication, and embracing the all-too-common off days in a team’s journey. Join us as we emphasize the importance of choosing your own "word of the year" to guide both personal and professional growth, inviting listeners to share their stories and the words that will guide them.
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Welcome to episode 83. Today we are speaking about something a little bit different. We're talking about our reflections and our word leading into next year. So every year for the past maybe three or four years I don't know about you, Raquel, but it'd be about three or four years now I set the year with a particular word and goals and direction is usually around and tailored to this particular word. So that's what we're going to discuss today.
Speaker 2:I love that. Can you tell us the words that you've had the last couple of years, cause I've only started as of this year?
Speaker 1:So last year, my word was oh, sorry, not last year. This year, this year, my word was fortitude. Fortitude meaning being able to essentially ride the waves, ride the highs, ride the lows, have what's the word I'm looking for. What's the word I'm looking for In face of struggling times or difficulty? It's being able to continue to overcome them. That's what, basically, fortitude is. So that was my word last year. This year, I keep saying last year, oh my God, I'm clearly ready for 2025. Last year, I can't remember what my word was actually oh, my God, I'm clearly ready for 2025.
Speaker 2:Last year I can't remember what my word was actually.
Speaker 1:Oh damn, I'm sure I have it written somewhere. I'll have to dig it up.
Speaker 2:Obviously, it wasn't that memorable, steph.
Speaker 1:It was from memory. It was something to do with just going all in. Going all in. It was like big around work, ethic, work, drive. I think it was like say yes to everything. I think yes was my word, to be honest. Something around that. It was anything that you find challenging, anything that you're stepping out of your comfort zone, anything that's going to push you to grow. Say yes, say yes to everything. I think that was my word for last year and then this year my word was fortitude.
Speaker 2:So what do you think next year is looking like then for you?
Speaker 1:Next year. I kind of. I want to add a couple of words, not just one word for different reasons. Next year, one word is balance Ooh um. Next year, one word is balance oh. In like a very work life balance okay restructuring. You need that the business to be able to balance life and work. Um, that's number one. Number two was um. It's really hard to say one word that sums up so many different things.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Um, I think. Um, I haven't thought of an exact word, but I do very much want it to be around stepping out of comfort zone, a real like. I want my word to be like.
Speaker 2:Seek discomfort.
Speaker 1:Like yeah, or like I'm going to drop an F-bomb here, but I want my word to be like fuck it Cool, like just do the thing, like fuck it, go all in, just go hardcore. Take risks Maybe it's risks, maybe my word should be risks, take risks, go hard.
Speaker 2:Not calculator risks, just risk, everything, just go. Calculator risks definitely Okay, okay, cool Also just step out of the comfort zone.
Speaker 1:Step out of the comfort zone, and that's important. And push, push boundaries. I think, yeah, I think them two are going to be my, my two different. I haven't even, that's not really a word balance is going to be one and then, yeah, the second one is going to be how?
Speaker 2:opposite growth okay, growth, all right, we still need to flush that one out, so we need it.
Speaker 1:we need need to think about that one Cause growth is too um, it's too like nice.
Speaker 2:I was literally gonna say the same thing.
Speaker 1:I just feel like it's too like plain and vanilla. Yes, it needs to be like an. I'm looking for an aggressive word.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm looking for, which is funny Cause they're two very opposite things, hey.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's no balance.
Speaker 1:if you're going to take risk, but hey, it's like sometimes you take them and it's like knowing when to right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 1:It's knowing when to relax and it's knowing when to push, it's knowing when you've got to go head down and all in business, and knowing when you need to recharge and reset, which is hence the balance.
Speaker 2:I feel like when you learn that, when you experience and play with a bit of balance, you also learn what it takes to come back from the balance. So, yeah, I think you can find it because I know with my partner, james, like mate, we do so many fun things, so many spontaneous things, we go on so many adventures. That work also has I have to be very like quick and fast and I don't have time to mess around, because if we want to go out and do those things I need to be on the ball. And like the first time, the first year of dating, I just remember him like let's go snowboarding, let's go golf, let's do this, let's do that, let's go camping.
Speaker 2:And I was like, oh, but I have so much work that I need to plan, like I'm not prepared. So the first year was kind of like for me like getting used to that kind of pace of like okay, let's kind of speed it up, like I can do this, I can do a lot more in a short amount of time. And then second year, again similar situation where it's like just there's a go, go, go, go, go into europe. And going to europe was huge and I think if like one of your goals, I know, is to go to europe for like seven, eight weeks.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's possible. It's fucking possible. You can do that. You can. You can take a break and go enjoy your life and come back, and your work will still be there. It might just, you know, take a little bit of time to get back into the flow, but it's possible.
Speaker 1:It's like the think fast and move quickly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and just do it.
Speaker 1:Do it and then you're able to go on your holiday, go on this, you know not thinking about no lag time, no lag time, yeah, no lag time.
Speaker 2:Very much that. Well, this year was my first year of having a word and I saw Cousin Rose stories like she had a word of the year and I was like, oh, I want to do that.
Speaker 2:So I did it and I chose fun I was like I just wanted this year 2024 to be fun and honestly, I think this is the most fun I've had in business ever. Um, we had powerlifting, competitions, comps always fun but we also had a photo shoot, which we planned and planned out a little bit more, and that was so fun. One of the girls birthdays we got a cake organized for that too. We had our run club with kiara she's so awesome on that and the group sessions just created this vibe and energy between our community moving to equilibrium was really exciting yeah and then we had the expansion of the team because it was just growing too fast.
Speaker 2:So that was fun. Adding two new coaches, two new energies and trying to interplay that with four people and a community has really I've really enjoyed it. I've really enjoyed teaching coaches. I've really enjoyed that, as well as myself.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Mentoring going to enterprise fitness you know, having Nico come there with me was so fun the Redefine event with all the team going to a dinner after it's just, it's our meetings, our content days. I fucking love it all that's awesome. It's so good to have people to bounce off. I remember, like Enterprise Fitness my first one that I did like a mentorship in like 2019. He was like who here wants staff? And I was like, fuck, no, I do not want staff. And then here I am, 2024, and I'm like I cannot imagine my life without a team. Yeah, I freaking love it.
Speaker 1:So I think we've we've definitely done that and I want to that, and I want to keep going.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I want to keep having fun because, honestly, business gets to be fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And to me it shouldn't feel like well, yeah, okay, you're going to have times where you're like I'm really going through it right now, but I feel like when you have energy and you're just consistent and you're enjoying your community, it's never really a bad day.
Speaker 1:That's right and I think it's. It's very much like if you, if you learn to have fun in your business, it will. It won't feel like a toy, won't feel like you're sucking it out, it won't feel draining, you won't feel burnt out. I mean, surely there's going to be some times where you know you've got to put in a bit more effort or it's a little bit more stressful, but for the most part it should feel fun yeah, I was starting to hate it at one point, because it was feeling like the environment we were in was just, yes, wearing us down.
Speaker 2:I couldn't be creative, I felt always judged and I just was like you know what? I'm not enjoying this. And then we moved to eq and then all this fun stuff started to happen. It's like I love this, why and the community has always I think as well for you, you'll find your clients are the ones that always keep you like I don't know, just being with different people. It's good to have other energies around.
Speaker 2:You become friends at some point too, and you have these good conversations, and it always grounds you just being with people and I think that's why we love our industry, because we are service-based so we always feel like re-centered and like I'm doing a good job, like your purpose. You're so fulfilled yes, definitely definitely so next year. Yeah, what's your next year? We're going all in.
Speaker 1:I'm so excited. I love it, I love it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's the, that's the aggressive word. All in, yeah, I'm not holding back.
Speaker 2:I'm not. I'm not letting any doubt kick in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just want it to be energy constant, like just going for what I really want and not, or go home yeah, it's time. I'm hearing, like I'm hearing, kendra Glamour in the background, or like 50 cent, that's. That's my like. Go hard or go home energy.
Speaker 2:I love that R&B. Yeah, yeah, I haven't heard.
Speaker 1:I don't know what it sounds like, yet I need to think about yeah, okay, you don't know what the, what the word or the vibe sounds like.
Speaker 2:That's me.
Speaker 1:Whenever I have that like all in, like let's get it energy, it's always gangster music. Always I love it. Like on the way here I was feeling a bit like, all right, let's get in the mood, let's do this.
Speaker 2:And so I was jamming 50 Cent and I was like, yeah, you have to. How good is music? It just brings you back to like who you are like. Sometimes I feel like more normal when I'm dancing and like 100.
Speaker 1:I always use music to like get me in the mood, get me in the zone, get my head straight, and then you know, just just screaming. I love it. It's a vibe it is so someone's gonna drive past me in the car and see me like bopping my head and they're like I couldn't care.
Speaker 2:I hope my energy, like, gives you energy yeah um, with reflections. So we did the word of the year. I think some reflections did. We want to recap some reflections of this year or any goals for next year. We'll keep that, you know, to ourselves and keep it a secret.
Speaker 1:I think goals very much align with, like the words right, like, for me it's, I think we are, I think next year for us, we're both, we're both thinking the same in terms of that, like the growth, the go hard, like let's push, let's go, like. I think we're both hungry for what comes next.
Speaker 1:I think this year was a lot of like umming and ahhing and parking it for different reasons in terms of what we wanted to do to move forward. But I think we've had a lot of time to think about things and think of the direction and now we're very much in the same mindset of okay, next year we push, next year we go like that's it no more. Like holding back, no more, oh, we'll just see how it goes. No more, you know, parking it for the moment or or shying away from it because it looks a bit too big or too scary. It's like, nah, we're going, all in, we're doing it. That's kind of my reflection.
Speaker 2:I think I would agree. Like when we met last year, we had our little dinner and we were both feeling the same. We were feeling burnt out.
Speaker 2:We were both fried, Uninspired confused a bit, like holding back can't be bothered with content, can't be bothered keeping up yeah, feeling stagnant yeah, too much of that and I'm really glad we both are on the same kind of like upstream, really upstream, and going, nah, fuck that, we're, we're, we are good. Yeah, we are completely different owners from who we were last year. Thank god, so happy, so grateful. Um, I think just reflections of the year is like you can do so much. You can do so much and you also don't need to always be there. Like for me, like delegating, and like trusting my team and giving more responsibilities to the girls and having those honest conversations with them at times when it has been difficult for them in different ways with their own personal stuff. That's been hard, that's been hard to do as an owner. And like lead those conversations, going like hey, like I love you being here and you have so much potential. What's going on now? Like I can see you're struggling, I can see something's happening and having those sit-down talks and going like feeling closer and also feeling like you're on the same path that's been
Speaker 2:quite actually hard because you just you don't want someone to turn around and say, actually I'm not okay and I don't want to be here and I hate what we're doing, and you don't want someone to turn around and say, actually I'm not okay and I don't want to be here and I'd hate what we're doing and you don't want it to be about that. You want to have this relationship that fosters this growth. So I do think that's been a really in interesting thing in myself to reflect and go how would I want my boss, if I was working for someone, to treat me, if I was in their business and I was struggling?
Speaker 2:and maybe not not admitting it and maybe just trying to trying to get through, like how would I want to have that conversation and putting myself in their shoes, that's been really awesome and I think, like coming out of the other end of it and going like we're doing good, no matter what, like yeah, okay, you're always gonna have staff, things, staff.
Speaker 2:I think managing staff is like the next step for ltl2. Like as an owner, like managing different personalities, managing different expectations, managing different standards, like we have a standard, but also, uh-huh, everyone's way of executing things is slightly different and how do we streamline it and kind of keep it the same. But when your energy's shit, what do we do? Like what are, what are the things we still need to make sure it's on top. And then the team knows the team's so good and if they listen to this episode, you know, I think I do want to make sure they understand how grateful I am for all of them and having these deep conversations. But, yeah, I think as an owner, that's been something different. Something different because, yeah, when you add a bigger team, there's bigger, bigger things with them that you also need to manage yeah, absolutely it's leaning.
Speaker 1:It's leaning into the tough conversations, but also looking at it from everyone's perspective, because sometimes we do get a little bit tunnel vision on, like this is our way, this is what we want. But also I think, and what I've learned as well, is that you can have your way, but other people can have their ways and you can meet each other in the middle and create this goal or, you know direction, that you're all on the same page, even if you've got little.
Speaker 1:You know different ways of doing things or different ways of seeing things or different goals. You can still have or create a space where you're all working, you know, together in unison.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think too, like you see other businesses, and I know there's been businesses I've been into and it looks like they're always 110% on. And then I've been in the business where I've been there when the team hasn't been 110% on and I'm like, ah, okay, so I can see that it's not always a hundred percent and I feel more okay about that Cause I'm like, well, you know, am I undershooting? Are they overshooting? Is my expectations? Am I comparing too much between business to business? And I think it's also nice to step back and after the event that we had and also just being in other businesses this year and seeing that, you know, there are things that don't always, aren't always perfect. That is good to know because, yeah, we are all human at the end of the day and that's and that's it.
Speaker 1:That's the truth I think it was a nice little um reflection ep. To be honest, yeah, I do, that was like yeah it was. It was quite wholesome.
Speaker 2:So they're our, they're our wrap-up words for next year, all in balance send us what your words would be if you were having a word of the year guys and on the audience yeah, what's your word and your why and why that's your word I would would love to share them.
Speaker 1:Yes, and if you yeah, if you're listening to this, you know, chuck it up on your stories. Tag us. This is my word and this is why it's my word. I'm curious to see what other people's words are and their reasoning for it as well. Absolutely Thanks, guys.